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Blood Clots: What they are and How to avoid getting one!

By Dr. Umarashid Guloba Venous thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a vein. This clot can limit blood flow through the vein,...

August 26, 2021 by 

Understanding our Immunity and How We Can Improve it

By Dr. Guloba Umarashid Immunity is defined as the body’s ability to fight infection.  Immunity is  broadly divided into innate or natural immunity and acquired or adaptive immunity. The skin...

July 30, 2021 by 

Ways We can Help Young People overcome Depression and Anxiety in the Current Covid-19 Pandemic

By Catherine Nabaloga The Covid-19 pandemic has come along with so many other problems such as death, hunger, unemployment you name it. However, one of the biggest and...

July 12, 2021 by 

The Virus is Back With Vengeance

PART V By Prof. Waswa Balunywa, PhD In part IV we discussed the solutions to the Coronavirus pandemic. In this part we continue with the discussion of solutions....

July 3, 2021 by 

The Virus has Come Back With Vengeance

Part IV  By Prof. Waswa Balunywa, PhD  In Part III, we discussed the first solution to manage Coronavirus pandemic in Uganda. In this part, we continue with the...

July 2, 2021 by 

The Virus Is Back With Vengeance- The President Orders A Second Lockdown As Deaths Escalate

PART III By Prof. Waswa Balunywa, PhD What the Lockdown Means  What did the President mean when he did not lock down the country entirely, as was the...

July 1, 2021 by 

The Virus is Back with Vengeance

PART II By Prof. Waswa Balunywa, PhD Today, it is reported that most of the hospitals in town are full to capacity and the numbers are due to...

June 30, 2021 by 

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